Saturday, March 24, 2012

Baby Corban

I need to find my camera and start taking pictures again. Then you can see how cute my new nephew, Corban, is. He was born March 15th at 3:00 in the morning. Luckily, he was nice to me and I was only in labor for about 5 hours, and had to push for only 10 minutes. He was 8lbs. 9oz. Everything went well and his parents couldn't be happier.

I have been overwhelmed with all the love and support I have received over the last couple of weeks. My family and I have gotten gifts, meals, phone calls, letters, etc. It is an awesome feeling to know that we are so loved.

Everyone has been asking how I am doing emotionally. I am doing fine. I expected it to be hard, but it hasn't been worse than I expected. I tried hard to not bond the being growing in my belly, but I don't know if that is possible. I'm going to miss having him with me all the time, but I know he will be well taken care of, and I'm not worried about him. His parents are going to make sure that he knows that I am his favorite aunt and that good enough for me.

I'm sure that in a week or so when my hormones return to normal I will be fine and not cry everyday. Although, most of tears that are shed are tears of love, not sadness.

Some of Ben's family wanted to do something nice for us, so they are sending us on a trip to San Diego. We decided to go on my birthday, so in a few weeks. I will make sure to take some pictures so I can post them. we are very excited and grateful. It has been a while since we have been on a vacation outside Utah.